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The Potential of Pineapple Juice
Do you know about the protective powers of pineapple juice?
Something I love about nutrition is that there is so much to explore. There is a food solution to every health problem, and while food alone isn't a cure, it undoubtedly is a very significant part of healing.
Included in the top ten threats to global health, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed noncommunicable diseases, such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. These diseases are collectively responsible for over 70% of all deaths worldwide, or approximately 41 million people. The majority of these deaths occur in low to middle income countries, with unhealthy diets as a significant risk factor (1).
Pineapple juice can't solve this global health threat all on its own, but it can certainly help you in your daily life to prevent you from being included in this statistic. As a dietitian or educator, you also have the potential to help others include pineapple juice in planning their meals.
The following are some of the potential benefits of adding pineapple juice to your diet. Consider your nutrient needs, and if you aren't sure what they are, call a dietitian to schedule and appointment to discuss possible changes and improvements you would be willing to make to start seeing positive outcomes in your quality of life.
Try ordering a juice cleanse with pineapple juice or next time you are at a smoothie bar or order an açaí bowl, look to see if there are options containing pineapple juice, and notice how you feel for the rest of the day. I can't wait to hear your success stories.

Boosts immunity
Nutrient rich, including Vitamin A and C with its antioxidant powers, including increase of white blood cell production.

Heart Health
Sodium helps regulate blood. Improving iron levels helps to get oxygen to the body's cells and prevent blood disease. Bromelain and potassium help to regulate blood pressure levels, reducing hypertention and risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. Dietary fiber helps to relieve heart problems.
Regular ingestion can help those struggling with high blood pressure.

Increases Fertility
Levels of potassium, Vitamin C, and B vitamins all linked to positively boosting reproductive hormones in both men and women.

Weight loss
Acts as a natural diuretic to helps release body toxins. Bromelain aids in metabolizing protein and reducing excess abdominal fat. May also aid in reducing stomach bloating, and is included in many juice cleanse programs for this reason.

Growth and Development
B family vitamins and appropriate levels of carbohydrates help to promote the proper energy levels and make the body more efficient. Vitamin C also helps to boost collagen production. Can help with improving low metabolism, promote healing, or aid in correcting of nutrient deficiencies. Can protect vision

Balances Mood
Rich in potassium which can work to relieve anxiety and stress, and can help manage depression and mood swings. Vitamin B6 helps to regulate hormones and improve mood.

Speeds Digestion
Rich in bromelain, a key enzyme in protein digestion. This is also why your mouth starts to feel a bit funny after eating a lot of pineapple. Could help with constipation and indigestion.

Reducing Inflammation
Magnesium promotes nervous system maintenance. Can help to relieve cold, cough, sinus congestion, or throat irritation. Can also help to treat arthritis, pain, and swelling. Can aid in preventing asthma and protecting against skin inflammation.

Improves Muscle Function
Not only has vitamins and minerals which help to strengthen bones, but also has potassium and magnesium to increase muscle strength. Sodium also helps with muscle contraction.

May help to Prevent Cancer
Rich in Vitamin A and calcium, can suppress cell mutation, oxidative stress, and prevent chronic disease. Bromelain can aid in slowing the production and spread of cancerous cells and also induce cell death in these cells.