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Anatomy of a Charcuterie Board
I promise, it's easier than it looks!
Charcuterie boards seem to be all the rage these days. But what exactly are they? "Charcuterie" is a French word and has evolved over time to refer to the branch of cooking concerned with prepared meats.
More than just a trend, these boards can help you to meet your daily nutrient needs. They are customizable so they can cater to kids and dinner party guests alike. They are perfect for setting out snacks while the main meal is still cooking, and they are easily restock-able with back-up items on hand. Plus, they are, like, really pretty to look at and they make you seem kinda fancy. Charcuterie boards are a perfect way to spice up your routine snacks. Don't be afraid to experiment a little bit to see what you come up with.
The video will show you how to get started, and the pictures following are some pretty examples. What will you include on your charcuterie board?